Housewarming Invitations Wording

OK. Are you having a little trouble deciding what to write or print on to your house warming invitations so that your invitations have a personal feel to them. Whatever you decide to write be sure to include all the important information such as the

housewarming invitationHere are a few helpful suggestions and examples you can use to spice up your unique housewarming invite. Use a quote or poem about the home. Make up your own rhyme to suit your unique situation. Some common words to describe a home or house: Digs, pad, lair, abode, crib, nest, apartment, den, casa, condo, flat, roost, dwelling, castle, place, yard, endz.


General Wording with the use of a quote

The ornaments of a house is the friends who frequent it.
                                 ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Come decorate our house with your presence at our housewarming party

Saturday, July 7th
7:00pm till late
155 Genevieve Road

Refreshments provided

RSVP: Tom, 555 5555


Moving out of your parents home

Living with the folks was great, no doubt
Even though I knew they wanted me out
Now finally I'm out and on my own
So come party with me in my new home

May 18th at 5pm

John Warne
16 Chapel St
Regrets only: 555 5555


Moving from an apartment to a house

Apartment living was cramped at its best,
We're spreading our wings and have built our own nest

Come celebrate with us at a
housewarming party

Friday, 5th June
at 6pm
362 Main Street

BYO Alcohol, We'll provide the splits
Jon 555 5555


General House Warming wording

We've got a new house with a brand new (spectacular) view
And we would like to share it with you.

Come to our housewarming party
Sunday, 5th of August
Starts at 2pm

The O'Riordan family
Sam, Gina and young Joshua
67 George St

Refreshments and fun will be served



We got the house!

Please join us for a
Housewarming Party
Saturday, April 14th
2:00 p.m.

Jon, Sue, Brad and Jill
1234 Sesame St

Regrets only: 555 5555

A house is built with boards and beams,
A home is built with love and dream

You are invited to join us
for an evening in our new home

Cocktails and Dinner
Friday, September 15th
142 Sesame Street

RSVP: Samantha and Bob, 555 1234