Surprise Birthday Invitations

Browse through our galleries for some invitation making ideas... throwing a surprise birthday party? These ideas may help you.

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surprise birthday invitations
Surprise Party Invite



12th birthday invitations

A surprise party Invitation made to spin around using the top round dial and reveal the party details. The invites are a surprise in itself. The guests didn't know what it was or what it was for until they spun the dial.

I made these with my computer and Photoshop but you might be able to make them in word or something similar although it will be a lot trickier. I only created the backing on the computer which had the details printed in 8 sections around the card.  I printed this onto white card and cut it out.  Actually I did use PS to create the top dial as well so that i could place the opening correctly. I printed that onto patterned cardstock and cut it out.  I then placed them on top of each other and poked a hole in the center and put a two pronged paper fastener (aka a scrapbooking brad) through it. Now you can turn the top dial to reaveal the secret stuff.

surprise birthdya party invitations