Make Mexican Fiesta Invitations

Fiesta InvitationsHave you picked out a theme for your birthday party yet? Why not a host a Fiesta! Margaritas, Maracas, large mexican sombreros, bright bold colors. Serve up some tasty treats and you have the making of a great party celebration.  Ideas for invitations may include margarita glass shaped invites with the heading "It's a Fiesta" or an invite to all the senorita's and senor's.

Whatever you choose to do perhaps you will be inspired by these homemade invites by Katie Inglis.

Mexican Fiesta Invites

I began by drawing my ideas on paper with pen and ink.

When I was satisfied with the design which included a skull decorated with flowers, and other icons I then scanned the drawing into Adobe Illustrator where I would do all of the coloring.

I isolated the lines and colored each section with the paint bucket tool, concentrating on the color relationships. Once the coloring was complete I found a font that matched the theme and added the party details.

Katie Inglis
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Mexican Fiesta Party Invitations

summer crepe fiesta invitations