Invitation Envelopes

A few hints and tips for sourcing envelopes for your invitations.

Don't forget the envelopes

In my opinion selecting your envelopes can be the trickiest part when making your own invitations and should probably be done first. They are often overlooked as all our energy is put into creating the perfect invitations simply because they are they main focal point. We leave the task of selecting the envelopes for last assuming we can find a matching size and color without a problem. But this is often not the case, and when you are on a tight budget you can't leave anything to chance. So choose them first or at least source them before you start constructing your invites.

Don't blow your envelope budget

Something else to consider is that the size of your invitation affects postage costs. These costs vary from country to country so it pays to check them out before you start out.  You certainly don't want to find that you have to pay triple your estimated postage costs when you are standing in line at the post office counter with a couple of hundred invitations ready to be posted. Costs are based on envelope sizes.

  - Envelopes sizes

  - Types of envelopes

Making your own envelopes

Now the idea of making your own invitations I can accept without a problem. Making your own invitations, however is an ambitious task not to be undertaken by everyone. We have a few ideas on the matter that we will share with you all very soon.

  - How to make envelopes

  - Free Printable invitation Envelope templates

  - Recycled envelopes

  - How to make an envelope insert